Rent Your Spare Parking Space and Earn Cash with Parkable

Car parking in front of a house with Parkable sign

If you’re anything like me, the opportunity to earn extra income without too much effort is always worth investigating.  That’s why I was delighted when Parkable reached out to me to let me know about their great app and how it’s transforming bank accounts across New Zealand and Australia. This post is sponsored by Parkable … Read more

10 Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget (That Really Work)

How do you save money when you’re broke? Is it even possible to wring another cent out of an extremely tight budget? Finding ways to save money on a tight budget can feel insurmountable, but it’s possible to do so and come out the other side of this challenging time with some super-useful, frugal life … Read more

The Simple Decluttering Tip That Changed My Life

Simple Decluttering Tip_pair of hands holding a basket placed near cluttered clothes.

Do you struggle with decluttering? If so, you’re in good company. I hated decluttering. I love my stuff! But I realised that my stuff was literally costing me money after paying nearly $4000 to store it while I travelled around the world with my family. My husband and I decided to downsize to an 80sqm … Read more

How We Saved $35,000 to Travel the World (Whilst Pregnant)

A nappy cake as a gift

Yay, you’re pregnant! Congratulations, it’s such an exciting time. Once all the fuss dies down, it’s time to get planning so you can figure out how much money to save before the baby arrives. If like me, your pregnancy is a (welcome) surprise, there’s no need to worry. You’ve got time to save money before … Read more

5 Insanely Effective Ways To Kill Your Credit Card Debt

Effective Ways To Kill Your Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt sucks. If you’re a spender (it’s OK, I was too), having a huge credit card balance can make you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel of debt. You make payments each month, then spend a little and you’re right back where you started. Or worse, you owe more now than you … Read more

What I’m Teaching My Kids About Money, Careers and Life

An pen book with text overlay A formula for winning at life.

The passing on of knowledge through generations is one of the great blessings of parenthood. There are many challenges, of course, but being granted the opportunity to mold a small human into a productive, happy and empathetic citizen of the world is a great honour. In the personal finance blogosphere there seem to be two … Read more

How to Semi-Retire in Your 30s

How to Semi-Retire in Your 30s Featured Image

This article was first published in 2016. For many years I was all about early retirement. I remember telling anyone who would listen that I’d be retired by 30 back when I purchased my first investment property at the age of 24. I was cocky in a way that only a 24-year-old with a high … Read more