How I’m Creating a Life I Don’t Need to Retire From

How I'm Creating a Life I Don't Need to Retire From

This post was first published in 2016.  My husband started work last month after 15 months of travel with our kids. That means we are now receiving something we haven’t seen in nearly two whole years – a regular paycheque! I’m so freaking excited, mainly because a regular paycheque lifts the pressure on our savings … Read more

7 Practical Tips for Creating a Personal Survival Budget

How to Make a Personal Survival Budget And Why You Need One Featured Image

What would you do if you lost your job tomorrow? You’d be shocked, sure – but would it be the end of the world? For some people, the answer is a resounding YES! You’re thinking ‘how the heck am I going to pay the bills without my regular paycheque?’ Look, it’s pretty unlikely that you’ll … Read more

Why We’re Downsizing the Family Home With Kids

Downsizing with a Family Why We're Downsizing with Kids

If you’re interested in downsizing with a family, this is my first blog post about our decision to downsize our family home. We spent 2015 in Spain, renting a small apartment and living like locals. We had just found out we (me) were pregnant and planned to head back to New Zealand to have the … Read more

How to Budget Backwards and Stop Living Beyond Your Means


How do you know if you’re living beyond your means? It might go something like this: You have a job. Pay rent. Have a car. You didn’t have the cash for the car so you got a car loan. Each week or month you commit a large chunk of money to maintain a depreciating asset. … Read more

How We Afford to Travel With Our Child

we afford to travel with our child

My son turns 3 this year. By that time he will have spent over half of his life outside his country of citizenship. In 2012 when he was four months old we headed off to Ireland, Mexico and the USA. We then spent a year in New Zealand – alternating our work arrangements around him … Read more

Five Ways We Save Money for Travel

This article was written in 2014. Two weeks ago, my major work project was given an end date. Now, I am without a regular income until the next project comes around. It’s times like this that I’m so grateful for our savings buffer. I’m constantly amazed by the people who ask us how we live … Read more