Sharesies Referral Code: Get $5 Free

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With a $15 welcome bonus on offer until August 23 there has never been a better time to grab a Sharesies referral code and start investing with Sharesies.

Use this one to get started now: Join Sharesies Now

How does Sharesies work?

Sharesies started in 2016 with a goal of making investing as accessible for people with $50 to spare as it is for those with thousands.

Their mission is to make investing something we talk about and celebrate, not something we don’t think about until we’re old and grey and have missed the best (compound-interest earning) years of our life. 

I really can’t paraphrase this any better, so direct from the horses mouth:

We want to make this generation the most financially literate. Starting with making investing easy—by breaking down the current barriers that stand in the way of investing today. We want someone with $50 to have the same investment opportunities as someone with $50,000.

We have an opportunity to make a real difference to how people manage their money and growing the wealth of everyday New Zealanders. We want our friends and others like them around buying and selling shares, comparing portfolios and giving each other tips to grow their wealth. Getting gratification from spending $20, not just on brunch, but investing in the portfolio sitting in their pocket.


To that end, they are a certified B-corp, which means they use business as a force for good.

As a personal finance blogger, I have to agree that helping people better manage and grow their money is an awesome cause.

Why I personally love Sharesies

I’ve been investing for my kids with Sharesies for two years now and have been really impressed by how easy and accessible they make it to invest with smaller amounts.

Right now, I put away $25 a month per child as well as 50% of whatever they get for birthdays and Christmas gifts. 

I wanted to make sure they were still able to take advantage of the benefits of investing young and regularly, even though the amounts are small.

Sharesies is perfect for that and as you can see below, from little things, big things grow.

Sharesies dashboard, showing returns on my sons account

At this stage we are planning a world trip in 2021 (pandemic-aside), so I don’t see us being able to up contributions significantly in the short term.

For now, we are really happy with what we’ve been able to achieve by chucking $25 per month into Sharesies auto-invest function and waiting.

Sharesies portfolio value screen

Sharesies total growth screenSharesies offer 165 companies and funds to invest from, so you’ll be sure to find something you like.

We personally stick to index funds as we believe they are a superior investment vehicle for lazy sods who really can’t be bothered reading the financial media on the daily to stock pick.

I was so impressed with the returns I saw with my children’s Sharesies account that I started my own fund to invest $10 of my $25 weekly pocket money. It’s been great fun to watch the funds grow slowly.

So if you’ve wanted to try investing for a while and have a few bucks to put away each week, I highly recommend Sharesies.

You can use this Sharesies promo code here to get $15 FREE until August 23. I will get $5 too – I promise I’ll put it to good use.

About Emma Healey

Emma is a recognised family finance and budgeting expert and founder of Mum's Money. Her advice has been featured in Stuff, NZHerald, Readers Digest, Yahoo Finance, Lifehacker, The Simple Dollar, MSN Money and more.

2 thoughts on “Sharesies Referral Code: Get $5 Free”

  1. Hi Emma
    I just came across your blog tonight. Just wanting to know if that Sharesies is a valid investment tool? Is it like investing in share market? Or at least risky like that?

    • Hi Pek, Sharesies is a platform that allows you to buy shares or invest in funds. I’m not a financial adviser so recommend you visit the site and have a look yourself. If you sign up you’ll get $15 to invest in whatever you want but you don’t have to invest anything until you are ready. They have a handy chat feature where you can ask any questions but it’s all very easy to use. I invest for my kids and myself through Sharesies and rate them but you need to make your own mind up! All the best, Emma

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