Following up on our post on selling pictures of your feet to make extra money comes this Feetfinder review.
We gave a brief outline of the Feetfinder site in that article, so in this piece, we’re going to delve a little deeper into how it would work if you decided to use Feetfinder to make money.
First, though – what is Feetfinder? Well, why not take a look at the homepage here for starters.
Scroll down the page and you’ll see that it’s about all kinds of feet – not only very photogenic ones.
From taking a quick peek at the site you can also get an idea of what sort of foot photos might sell well.
The categories listed include feet in socks, high heels or even ballet shoes.
Soles and even tattooed and dirty feet are also sought-after, as well as pedicured feet with painted toenails.
Pictures of feet covered in lotion are also required, as are male feet.
A glance at the gallery towards the bottom of the page will also tell you that your feet don’t have to be those of a supermodel to be acceptable.
Anyone over 18 can sign up with Feetfinder for free.
Doing this puts you in touch with a captive market – an audience that has already demonstrated their interest by seeking out the site.
Feetfinder Trustpilot reviews are generally very positive, with the site attracting an average score of 4.8 out of 5 at the time of writing.
That equals an ‘excellent’ rating.
You can trade in both foot pictures and videos via Feetfinder, and a number of people do make serious money from offering their content via the site.
Feetfinder makes a profit by keeping a percentage of the sale value, and it is a safe way to sell foot-centered content while keeping your personal details secure.
So that’s a basic introduction to the world of selling images and footage (pun intended) via Feetfinder.
Next, let’s dive into some real life Feetfinder website reviews – but only after we’ve addressed the following question.
Feetfinder Review 2025: Is Feetfinder Legit?
Table of Contents
So, is Feetfinder a scam or a completely legitimate side hustle for making some extra cash?
The following Feetfinder app reviews should help to clear things up.
An average Feetfinder seller review is, in fact, very positive, and indeed, people can and do make real money by offering foot photos or videos via the platform.
Let’s take a closer look at what Feetfinder seller reviews say.
Feetfinder Seller Reviews and Social Media
You can get Feetfinder reviews by trawling Google to find people’s opinions on sites such as Trustpilot, YouTube and TikTok, but why bother with all that when you can simply read the main points all in one place?
Here are some of the key points summing up what the public really think of Feetfinder.
Also covered in this section is how to use social media alongside your Feetfinder seller profile.
Probably the world’s number one platform for user reviews, Trustpilot currently lists over 750 reviews of Feetfinder.
So what are people saying? 91% rate the site as ‘Excellent’, and another 8% say it’s ‘Great’. Only around 1% of the vote is split between ‘Average’, ‘Poor’ and ‘Bad’.
Comments included in the most recent reviews include the following.
Positive reviews
Reviews from those who love Feetfinder include comments praising how ‘credible’ this ‘nice reliable site’ is.
They say the site ‘vets people thoroughly”, that ‘the service is perfect’ and that using it is ‘a great experience’.
Overall, the site is said to be ‘beautiful’ and ‘simple to learn, with a ‘respectful staff team’ who, when required, ‘responded right away’ and ‘did everything they could’ to help.
Users ‘really recommend’ the site as they’ve enjoyed using it, adding that it ‘feels safe’ with no scammers.
One said it was very simple to get set up and that they’d ‘ loved joining’. Another said they earned ‘quite some money’ very quickly.
This ‘ fast-growing community’ for content creators receives a ‘do recommend’ from the vast majority of satisfied users.
One called Feetfinder the ‘100% best site’ for this market and said they felt like ‘they actually care’, being super fast to offer assistance while making them ‘feel so safe’.
Negative reviews
In the interests of fair play, it’s only right that we cover the other side of the story.
Though there aren’t many, some negative reviews do exist. Here are some opinions from those who rate the site as ‘Bad’.
One reviewer said they found it not to be a way of making ‘quick or easy cash’ and that there are plenty of ‘unserious buyers’ on the site.
They had ‘given up completely’.
To be fair, Feetfinder did respond to this negative review, apologizing for the poor experience.
They also gave their email address for further contact and offered to provide ‘some inside tips’ that might help.
Another person citing a negative experience said they didn’t make one ‘single sale’ in six months.
They claim to have been ‘basically ignored’ when reaching out to Feetfinder.
Again, Feetfinder responded, offering a refund of the member’s seller fee.
They also said they could analyse the user’s account to help work out why no sales may have been made.
A third negative review cited ‘very very poor service’, saying it was all a ‘waste of time’.
Feetfinder’s response mentioned the ‘tons of sellers’ who did very well out of the site and offered to share their expert ‘tips and tricks’ via email.
On Facebook, the overall rating is far lower – just 2.3 out of 5.
This is, however, based on reviews from only 3 people, in contrast to the hundreds of reviews on Trustpilot.
One user said they weren’t a fan of the site because they hadn’t ‘met anyone’ from their area in this way, which seems rather an irrelevant comment!
Perhaps they thought it was a dating app or agency…
Another user claimed to have ‘found something better’ and when questioned by other Facebook users, said that was OnlyFans.
The third review included a recommendation of Feetfinder.
If you want to try promoting your Feetfinder content via Facebook, the best way to do this is by finding relevant groups to join.
Keep in mind that such groups do have their own rules, and you must abide by these to stay active within them.
Instagram doesn’t seem to be used all that much by Feetfinder sellers now.
The associated hashtags get around 100 searches each, which is pretty negligible in social media terms.
There are some user accounts devoted to promoting their foot content, but it seems that TikTok is used more than Instagram for this purpose.
If you do use Instagram, it’s all about creating an attractive, visually pleasing feed – and don’t forget to add up to 30 hashtags to make sure your content is seen.
Feetfinder themselves seem pretty active on Twitter, using the platform to promote their content.
This includes instructional videos to help people sell their foot-related videos or pictures via the platform.
Feetfinder also retweets content links posted by the site’s sellers, so clearly using social media can be a great way of attracting those who might want to buy videos and pictures.
Via their pinned tweet on Twitter, Feetfinder point interested parties in the direction of a YouTube video about how real money can be made from selling foot pictures online.
Do please note, however, that this video is age-restricted and thus classed as inappropriate for some people.
This is probably not least because it opens with the words ‘foot fetish’.
We watched the video, and it then goes into the link between this particular body part and sex.
So, yes, it’s not one to watch in front of young kids, as it’s discussed very openly.
The video comprises a ‘talking head’ talking about how and why people experience foot fetishes, before pointing watchers towards the content on the Feetfinder site.
Despite this, there is no vulgar content at all, and an emphasis on a foot fetish being a pretty common – and perfectly healthy – occurrence.
The presenter also stresses that any activities should always take place only between consenting adults.
Search the hashtag #feetfinder on TikTok right now and you can see that it has had over 64 million views. A popular topic, then, perhaps?
Creators post their videos on TikTok as a way of directing paying customers to their Feetfinder content, so if you want to use the site and aren’t camera shy this seems a good way of ensuring you make some money.
Snapchat allows users to share their messages via text, video and image. ‘Snaps’ can be sent to those you want to target.
Snapchat’s multimedia messages disappear after a set time limit, so this makes it more difficult for other users to steal your content.
Snapcash even allows for monetary transactions, so you have everything to gain by giving this platform a go.
Feetfinder Pros and Cons
Feetfinder pros
- Safe and secure
Feetfinder only allows users aged 18 or over and will never sell your personal information to third parties.
- Total control
It’s easy to join up – and just as easy to close your Feetfinder account, should you want to.
- Free trial
Although you will have to pay for a subscription, this is fully refundable within the first 14 days should you change your mind.
- Top ratings
As detailed above, Feetfinder currently has an ‘Excellent’ rating on Trustpilot with lots of positive feedback from users.
- Free money
Feetfinder hosts regular cash giveaways via their social media channels. As a seller, you can visit these pages often and you might just get lucky.
Feetfinder cons
- No app
There is no Feetfinder app. The company says they want one, but as both Apple and Google have jettisoned the idea it’s not looking too likely.
- Seller fees
Sellers are subject to fees of at least USD $3.99 per month or $14.99 per year. 20% commission on sales is also payable.
- ID required
You must submit an ID to become a verified seller. This is for security purposes, though, as users must be over 18.
How to Sell on Feetfinder – FAQs
If you’re interested in getting your mitts on some of the money Feetfinder users make, here’s everything you need to know.
Is selling feet pictures legal?
First things first. Are you legally allowed to sell videos or images of your feet online?
In most countries – including the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand – taking and offering for sale pictures or videos of your feet is perfectly legal. So from that point of view, there’s nothing to stop you.
You cannot sign up with Feetfinder unless you’re aged 18 or over. ID is used to verify this.
As far as they’re concerned, users from all over the world can use the site.
Do bear in mind cultural sensitivity, however.
The culture and customs in some parts of the world may mean that dealing in foot photos would be classed as offensive – even if it’s not actually prohibited.
It goes without saying really, but never offer for sale any pictures that don’t belong to you or have been obtained from elsewhere.
Is there a Feetfinder app?
Feetfinder themselves state that they did originally intend to set up an app rather than a website.
They freely admit that both Google Play and Apple rejected the concept as they don’t permit what they class as ‘fetish apps’.
Is there nudity or explicit content on Feetfinder?
Nudity is not permitted on Feetfinder.
Scantily-clad bodies wearing little more than some lingerie or underwear are allowed, but that’s as far as you can go.
The posting of pornography is prohibited.
What does Feetfinder cost?
FeetFinder is free for buyers to use, but sellers do need to pay a subscription fee of USD $3.99 monthly or $14.99 annually.
There is also a premium option, charged at $9.99 per month or $29.99 a year.
On top of this, a commission – currently 20% – is charged on each sale.
Why doesn’t Feetfinder use PayPal?
Feetfinder and PayPal do not mix, unfortunately. This is because the site is classed as adult, and PayPal may shut down accounts related to this niche.
Instead, Feetfinder uses Segpay within the US and Paxum for sellers based elsewhere in the world.
How will Feetfinder use my personal information?
Other Feetfinder users can see certain details about you on your profile, but these are strictly limited to your username, bio, profile photos, ethnicity, and foot size.
While you do need to supply Feetfinder with your address and photo ID, this is solely (get it?) used to confirm you are over 18 and to verify users before payouts.
This personal data can only be viewed by Feetfinder’s own staff and partner companies.
They promise that this information is never sold on to any third parties.
You can learn all you need to know about using FeetFinder via their dedicated YouTube channel.
Top Tips for Selling on Feetfinder
If you want to sell foot pictures and videos via Feetfinder, here are some tips to help you succeed!
Look good
While it’s true that some hanker after dirty feet, in general, your foot photos or videos will sell better if they’re clean and clear images of well-kept feet.
For starters, use the best camera you can get, and beware of shadows or overexposure.
The context
You could use props – including socks or shoes – to make your pictures more interesting.
How about ribbon threaded through the toes, flowers framing each foot or even bare feet standing on colourful fall leaves, for example?
The background
Why photograph or video your feet standing on a threadbare carpet or grubby doormat when you have a pretty tiled or wooden floor that would look so much better?
Don’t forget the outdoors, too, especially if there’s a beach, boardwalk or lawn you could use as a backdrop.
Damp feet
As we age, our feet tend to become drier.
If you have dehydrated heels, try photographing your feet while they’re still damp from the shower, swimming, or after applying foot lotion.
This approach can be very effective for hiding those flaws, damp skin looks healthier and more hydrated.
As outlined above, social media really could help you on your way to Feetfinder success.
Post your picture or video links on Twitter so Feetfinder can retweet them, or make a TikTok montage that you can hashtag the heck out of.
You could also ask to join relevant groups on Facebook, as the members of these have already shown an interest in foot-centred content simply by joining. You can thus interact with a captive market there.
To protect privacy, you could use a pseudonym here, or an altered version of your real name – such as both forenames instead of revealing your surname.
Could you make money via Feetfinder?
The bottom line? If you don’t sell via Feetfinder, then they are far more likely to receive negative reviews.
They will also lose out on commission, and at 20% that’s quite a chunk of money that they have the potential to make.
Feetfinder has everything to gain when you sell via the platform – and so do you.
The only way to really find out – as long as you’re comfortable with the whole concept – is by giving it a go!
Find out more about selling foot pictures in this in-depth guide.