12 Ways to Make Extra Money For Christmas in New Zealand

Christmas decors and some New Zealand cash_Featured Image

Wondering how to make extra money for Christmas? That’s understandable, it’s an expensive time of year. Lucky for you, the holiday season is the ideal time to pick up extra work and bring extra cash into your household. Think about it – retail stores are going nuts, people are shopping online like never before and … Read more

12 Thoughtful Gifts for Minimalists (They’ll Actually Like)

Photos showing several boxes wrapped as gifts with text overlay that reads Gift Ideas for Minimalists

Gifts for Minimalists. Sounds kind of like an oxymoron. I mean minimalists don’t want more stuff, right?? Wrong.  Minimalists love gifts that are thoughtful, heartfelt, practical, or consumable. It’s not that we completely eschew stuff, it’s that we try to own only the things which we use or love. If an item doesn’t fit into those … Read more

20 Ways Make Money as a Stay at Home Mum in New Zealand

A woman in front of a laptop at home_How To Make Money as a Stay at Home Mum

Do you ever feel like being a stay-at-home mum is like having a full-time job but without the pay? Well, what if I told you there are ways to make money without even leaving your house (or putting on pants)? That’s right; you can earn cash while still being the boss of your own household … Read more

10 Reasons Your Right Hand Is Itching (Wealth and Luck)

Photo showing a pair of hands with one hand scratching the palm

Do you ever itch your right hand and wonder what it means? You’re not alone! Superstitions abound when it comes to the meaning of an itchy right hand. Here, we will explore some of the most common superstitions about this phenomenon. An itching right hand or palm may mean good luck is coming your way … Read more

How We Got Rid of Half Our Stuff and Downsized Our Lives

Photo showing a large room with boxes on the floor with text overlay that reads How We Got Rid of Half Our Stuff and Downsized Our Lives

Eight years ago, my husband and I were living in a large home with loads of stuff all around us. We had a toddler, a low income, and a large mortgage payment (relative to the income, anyway). Our house was damaged in an earthquake and we were unable to renovate it until we had a … Read more

Is Booking.com Safe? Is it Reliable in 2024?

A woman with a laptop in front of her showing the website of Booking.com

If you’re ever arranging your own accommodation, then it’s pretty likely that you’re going to come across Booking.com at some point. Vast numbers of people from across the planet make hotel bookings via the platform on a daily basis. In fact when you search for a hotel – or even self-catering accommodation – Booking.com listings … Read more

78 Things To Do When You Are Bored (That Don’t Suck)

A woman slouching on the table with her upper body over some papers.

Do you ever find yourself wondering what to do when you’re bored? Having extra moments in life is a precious commodity, and it’s important to make the most of it. With a bit of inspiration, you can find something that feels meaningful, entertaining, or restorative with your time. We’ve compiled a huge list of ideas … Read more

What is a Fiver Party and How Does it Work?

Photo of four happy children with with their hands raised in a kids party

Text to (insert number on invitation): “Does (child) like Paw Patrol/Shopkins/other plastic junk that I really don’t want to buy but must?” (I don’t say that last bit). Grab the item, take it to the cashier, and ask for a gift exchange receipt, just in case. This is the routine I go through 5 or … Read more

How to Claim Unclaimed Money with IRD

You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that you have unclaimed money sitting with the IRD just waiting for you to claim it. If you have a MyIR account it’s easy to claim online. I’ll outline the steps below with images – these are from my own MyIR account. How to Claim Unclaimed Money with … Read more